Our mission is a heartbeat, resonating with the urgency to enrich 3 million of the discriminated-against by 2027

As we work tirelessly to fulfill our mission, we embrace the power of compassion, equality, and justice, ensuring that no one is left behind on the journey to a brighter, more inclusive future.
the Soina Foundation


To provide sustainable solutions that enhance an inclusive, enlightened and empowered society.

The Soina Foundation is committed to fostering positive transformation in the marginalized regions. We work collaboratively with local partners, stakeholders, and individuals to create lasting positive change and opportunities for growth.

Your Contribution Matters

Every effort counts

Explore how you can contribute to our initiatives and be a part of the change.

The strength of a nation lies in how well it uplifts the least privileged. We empower most at-risk groups of people in our mission of revolutionary shift of mindsets, positive behavioral change, and burgeoning breakthroughs of succes, for it is through collective upliftment that we truly measure the greatness of our society.
the Soina Foundation


We envision empowered communities that are resilient, self-sufficient, and equipped with the knowledge and resources needed for everyone regardless of their background, has equal access to quality education, enjoys gender equality, lives in a clean and sustainable environment, and thrives in the face of climate change challenges.

Want to Collaborate?

Share our passion for positive change and collective upliftment

Why Collaborate With Us?

Impactful Initiatives

Because our commitment is to provide sustainable solutions that enhance inclusivity, enlightenment, and empowerment, together, we can create a lasting impact at a larger scale on the lives of those who need it the most.

Local Collaboration

We believe in the strength of collaboration, working hand-in-hand with local partners, stakeholders, and individuals, to ensure that our initiatives have a meaningful and lasting effect on the communities we serve.

Collective Empowerment

Our mission and vision extends beyond individual success—it’s about collective upliftment. Join us in measuring the greatness of society by how well it uplifts the least privileged.

Let’s Uplift Lives Together

Take the First Step

Your Mission is Our Mission

Qualification Criteria

Do You Align with Our Mission?

Let’s see of you qualify for a collaboration or are NOT yet the right fit!
Mission Integration

If your organization’s mission aligns with our commitment to uplift marginalized communities.

Unclear contribution of your mission to the empowerment of marginalized groups.

Values of Compassion, Equality, and Justice

You demonstrate how your organization embodies and promotes compassion, equality, and justice.

You lack commitment to these values in your past or ongoing work.

Local Collaboration and Lasting Impact

You provide examples of successful local community-led collaborations resulting in lasting positive change.

Limited or no evidence of impactful local collaborations in your organization’s history.

Collective Empowerment

Clearly commit to the collective upliftment of marginalized groups.

Lack of emphasis on collective empowerment or a focus solely on individual achievements.

Resilient Communities and Equal Access

You outline strategies for building resilient, self-sufficient communities with equal access to education.

Absence of concrete plans for resilience and equal access.

Gender Equality and Environmental Sustainability

You present initiatives actively promoting gender equality and contributing to environmental sustainability.

Limited or zero evidence of efforts in gender equality and environmental sustainability.

Collaborate to Enrich and Empower

Your Role in Our Mission

Whether you’re an organization or an individual, your unique strengths and resources can contribute to our shared mission.

Get involved

Does your mission aligns with ours?


Submit a detailed proposal highlighting:

  • Past successes
  • Values of compassion, equality and justice
  • Commitment to community led-local collaboration


Support us.

  • Volunteer
  • Fundraise
  • Spread Awareness

Take Action Now to to Make a Difference

Be the Change: Join us in our mission to empower marginalized groups and create a brighter, more inclusive future.

Collaborate Now