Welcome to the heart of transparency at the Soina Foundation—our FTC Disclosure. We believe in empowering our loyal audience and valued visitors with knowledge, and that includes shedding light on the intricacies of our operations.

The term “FTC Disclosure” refers to our commitment to being forthright about how we operate, where our funding comes from, and the partnerships that drive our impactful initiatives. This disclosure is not just a legal obligation; it’s a testament to our dedication to openness and trust. As advocates for positive change in marginalized communities, we recognize the importance of keeping you informed.

So, join us on this journey into transparency, where every line of our FTC Disclosure is a reaffirmation of our pledge to honesty and accountability. Your trust fuels our mission, and it’s only fitting that you know exactly how we uphold it.

Our FTC Disclosure Unveils Transparency at the Soina Foundation

Welcome to the Soina Foundation, an esteemed empowering charity committed to fostering transformative change in marginalized communities through behavioral change, education, and community development. In our unwavering commitment to transparency, accountability, and ethical practices, we provide this comprehensive FTC disclosure to ensure that our valued visitors, donors, and stakeholders are fully informed about the operations and financial relationships that sustain our impactful initiatives.

Nature of Our Organization

The Soina Foundation operates as a non-profit organization, driven by the mission to empower marginalized communities. Our multifaceted approach addresses pressing challenges, including education disparities, gender inequalities, sanitation issues, food security concerns, and the impacts of climate change.

Funding Sources:
To support our wide-ranging initiatives, the Soina Foundation relies on diverse funding sources. These encompass individual donations, grants from philanthropic entities, strategic sponsorships, and collaborative partnerships with organizations that share our commitment to positive social change.

Relationships with Sponsors:
In the pursuit of maximizing our impact, the Soina Foundation engages in carefully chosen sponsorships and partnerships. These relationships are established with organizations that align with our mission and values. Any collaborations or sponsorships are transparently disclosed to our audience.

Affiliate Relationships:
While our primary focus is not profit-driven, the Soina Foundation may engage in affiliate relationships. In such instances, we may receive compensation for products or services recommended on our website. Our commitment to transparency means that any affiliate links are clearly disclosed to our audience.

Products or Services Endorsement:
Endorsing or recommending specific products or services is undertaken with the sole purpose of advancing our mission. We disclose any financial relationships or benefits derived from such endorsements, ensuring openness about our affiliations and maintaining trust with our audience.

Use of Donations:
Donations form the backbone of our efforts, allowing us to address the multifaceted challenges faced by marginalized communities. The Soina Foundation allocates funds responsibly to tackle education disparities, address gender inequalities, improve sanitation, enhance food security, and mitigate the impacts of climate change.

Transparency in Content:
Content featured on our website, especially related to causes, programs, or initiatives, is crafted to advance our mission. Should any content be influenced by donations or sponsorships, it is disclosed to our audience, reinforcing our commitment to transparency and maintaining the integrity of our messaging.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
The Soina Foundation is unwavering in its commitment to complying with all relevant laws and regulations, including guidelines set forth by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Our operations adhere to the highest ethical standards, ensuring transparency and accountability in all facets of our work.

Contact Information:
For any inquiries, questions, or concerns related to our FTC disclosure, we invite you to reach out to us at info at thesoinafoundation dot org. Our team is dedicated to fostering open communication and is committed to addressing inquiries promptly and comprehensively.

Last Updated Date:
This FTC disclosure was last updated on November 19, 2023, reflecting our ongoing commitment to transparency and compliance with evolving regulations.

The Soina Foundation appreciates your continued support as we collaboratively work towards empowering marginalized communities and effecting enduring positive change.